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MOGEF’s position on Japanese Military “Comfort Women” under current circumstances | |||
Name | 운영자 | Date | 2021-02-16 |
MOGEF’s position on Japanese Military “Comfort Women” under current circumstances □ We at the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family will listen to the opinions of the victims including Ms. Lee Yong-soo, who recently asked for the referral of the “Comfort Women” issue to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and strive to settle the issue in a way that can uphold their dignity and recover their honor. □ With regard to the recent thesis written by a Harvard professor—which has emerged as a controversial issue—and Media Watch TV’s defamation of the victims, we find them truly lamentable and hope that the case of tarnishing the victims’ dignity and honor will no longer be repeated. □ We will continue to conduct systematic survey/research of the facts related to the victims and relevant commemorative projects. |