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Multicultural Family

A = A
Policy Objectives
  • Support for early adaption and stable settlement of multicultural family
  • To promote sound international marriage and to enhance Korean society's receptivity to multiple cultures
Contents of Policy
  • Support for installation and operation of Healthy family and multicultural family support center: Operation of various programs such as education on the Korean language, family education; support for childcare, etc. for stable family life and early adaptation to Korean society; and promotion of social integration
    - Formation of bilingual family environment in a multicultural family
    - Korean and the mother language naturally in the daily lives of the multicultural family
    - Support for the business to help language development of the children in multicultural family
    - Interpretation and translation service by marriage immigrants

    ※Service language: Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino(Tagalog, English), Mongolian, Cambodian(Khmer), Russian, Japanese and Nepali

  • Fostering of sound culture in international marriage through strict control on marriage brokers business
  • Implementation of prior orientation at the departing countries to assist earlier adaptation to Korean life (in 3 countries)

    ※ Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand

  • Implementation of instruction and inspection on the international marriage brokers to improve unsound practice in the international marriage
  • Implementation of education on the new international marriage brokers
  • Operation of Danuri Helpline 1577-1366 for Marriage Migrants and Multicultural Families
    - Provision of various information, counseling or interpretation service in 13 languages for 24 hours-a-day and 365 days-a-year

    ※13 languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian(Khmer), Filipino(Tagalog), Mongolian, Russian, Japanese,Thai, Laotian, Uzbek, and Nepali

  • Provision of information for multicultural family
    - Support for the settlement of multicultural family by offering policies and information for multicultural family in 13 languages

    ※"Danuri" portal (, Information Magazine (Rainbow+), leaflet, guidebook on Korean life, etc.

  • Fostering and training of professional teachers to teach Understanding on Multiple Cultures
    - Implementation of education on the Understanding on Multiple Cultures to general citizens by fostering professional teachers and establishing database for the teachers
Support for the female immigrant victims of violence

Policy Objectives

  • To protect the female immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual violence of sexual trafficking and their children
  • To provide protection for their human rights
  • To support self-reliance through medical and legal assistance, treatment-recovery program, provision of dwelling and vocational training, etc.

Relevant Act

  • Article 7 of the Act on the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection, etc. of Victims

Contents of Support

  • Support protection facility management for the female immigrant victims of violence (28 facilities)
  • Organize campaigns to raise awareness of immigrant women and violence prevention
  • Prevent violence against female refugees from North Korea and support