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Single-Parent Family

A = A
Policy Background and Purpose

Constant increase of low income single-parent family due to the increasing divorce rate and change on the value of a family

Support for the stable living of low income single-parent family, formation of self-support foundation and healthy growth of their children

Contents of Policy

Monthly childcare support of 230,000 won for a low income single-parent family having child or children under 18 years old

Additional monthly childcare support of 50,000 won for a low income grandparent-grandchild family or an unmarried single-parent family having child or children 5 or under 5 years old

Children education subsidies(Annual stationery expense) of 93,000 won for a low income single-parent family having elementary or middle or high school student(s)

Support for maintaining the school register, educational expenses for high school or a school qualification examination, and financial support for self-support of adolescent single-parents

Provision of Single-Parent Family Welfare Facility to low income homeless single-parent family

  • Offering of dwelling for a period of time to the low income single-parent family and assist the self-support through education
  • Support professional counseling and psychotherapy for emotional stability of those who have entered the facility

Operation of a base center for an unmarried mother or father to provide counseling, information and emergency service for childbirth or childcare so that an unmarried single-parent can overcome the danger in the early stage of pregnancy and prepare for childcare and self-reliance