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International Exchange and Cooperation

A = A
Participation in International Conferences on Women, Family and Youth

The 68th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

  • (Period/place) March 11-22 / United Nations Headquarters in New York
  • (Major agenda) Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls

APEC Women and the Economy Forum (WEF) 2024

  • (Period/place) May 17 / Arequipa, Peru
  • (Major agenda) Women’s Economic Empowerment through Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region
Enhancement of National Status through the Fulfillment of Major International Treaties and Resolutions

Submission and Deliberation of the 9th CEDAW Periodic Country Report

  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is an international treaty adopted in 1979 by the United Nations General Assembly and entered into force in September, 1981. As of 2015, 189 states have ratified or acceded to the treaty. Since the submission of the 1st national report in 1986, Korea submits a periodic report every four years.
    The Republic of Korea has submitted in March 2022 its 9th CEDAW Periodic Country Report, which was reviewed in May 2024.

Monitoring of the Implementation of the National Action Plan for the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security

  • The first National Action Plan (NAP) of Korea was established in May 2014, and a total of six joint performance inspection meetings took place between 2014 and 2017. The first NAP was composed of ten objectives and subsequent strategies in four areas, i.e. Prevention, Participation, Protection, and Relief and Recovery. Eight relevant authorities* participated in drafting and implementing the first NAP.

    ※ the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Unification, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of the Interior and safety, and the Korea International Cooperation Agency

  • The second NAP of Korea was established in September 2018 in close cooperation with nine relevant authorities (the Korean National Police Agency newly added) as well as the civil society. The second NAP comprises twelve objectives and subsequent strategies in five areas: Prevention, Participation, Protection, Relief and Recovery, and Implementation and Monitoring. To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the NAP, inter-agency meetings will be held twice a year in which all relevant ministries and agencies participate with civil experts present.
  • Korea's third National Action Plan (NAP) was established in 2021, consisting of relevant implementing ministries and agencies, along with a private advisory committee. It was set up with goals in prevention, participation, protection, relief and recovery, and implementation monitoring.
    Additionally, the fourth NAP extends the establishment cycle from the previous three years to four years, aiming to strengthen responses to emerging issues such as the climate crisis and cyber security. To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the NAP, inter-ministerial meetings will be held biannually with the participation of all relevant ministries and agencies.

Fulfillment of Other International Treaties (all year round)

  • The implementation of international treaties or resolutions, relating to women, youth, or family, is inspected and reviewed.
Securing of National Competitiveness through the Korean Women's International Network (KOWIN)

Global Cooperation System through the Solidarity of Korean Women Worldwide

  • Launched in 2001, along with the Ministry of Gender Equality, KOWIN is an annual conference on global issues and national policies to answer the needs of people in these changing times. Approximately 300 women leaders from Korea and more than 200 from abroad, have participated every year. The 23th Korean Women's International Network in 2024, was held in Incheon, with Incheon Provincial Government as the co-host.

    ※ Co-hosts: Incheon in 2009, Busan in 2010, Ulsan in 2011, Yeosu and Jeonnam Province in 2012, Daejeon in 2013, Kumi and Kyeongbuk Province in 2014, Tongyeong and Kyeongnam Province in 2015, Jeju in 2016, Gunsan and Jeonbuk Province in 2017, Sokcho and Gangwon Province in 2018, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do in 2019, Yesan, Chungcheongnam-do in 2022, Incheon in 2024

Capacity Building for Overseas Korean Women and Support for the Cultivation of Next Generation Women Leaders

  • Since 2010, KOWIN has cultivated support for overseas regional/intergenerational networking projects and the cultivation of overseas women leaders of oncoming generations.

    ※ Regional contact officers conduct specialized activities and promotional programs (workshop, talkfest, forum, etc.) to strengthen the network and community spirit of overseas Korean women

  • ODA Project for Women's Empowerment (Launched in 2011) The Women’s Empowerment Support Project aims to enhance the capabilities of women in developing countries through specialized ODA initiatives. This project promotes increased participation of local women in economic activities and improves their status. By sharing exemplary policies on women’s capacity development from Korea and transferring these policies, it enhances Korea's image as a leading country in women's policy. The project also offers vocational training programs related to strengthening women's economic capabilities, links to employment and entrepreneurship, and disseminates integrated gender-sensitive vocational training models.
Promotion of Official Development Assistance (ODA) programs aimed to economically empower women of developing countries by sharing the good practices and policy experiences of Korea

Women's Vocational Capacity Development for Developing Countries (since 2010)

  • The Biannual On the Job Training invites public officials and civil society experts from developing countries to share Korea's experience and good practices on vocational capacity development policy. Approximately 40 participants from more than 20 countries join every year.

Support for Women's Vocational Capacity Development Center in Developing Countries (since 2011)

  • The operational capacities of women's vocational training centers in developing countries are strengthened, through a transfer of Korea's experiences with the Women's Reemployment Center
  • Career counseling, vocational training, and other services are offered to women in developing countries
  • Capacity building programs offered to local staff at Women's Vocational Training Centers

Support for the Victims of Human Trafficking in developing Countries (since 2013)

  • Preventive education on sexual exploitation and human trafficking; awareness campaigns on sexual exploitation and human trafficking; and vocational training (so as to build self-sustainability) in cooperation with local civil organizations for victims in Cambodia